Senin, 15 April 2024

CAMBODIA (poetry)

Niken Haidar's work

                                                            Ilustrasi by Aliy Haidar

Dimly exploring the motherland

The wind went somewhere

Rembulan didn't smile again

Face down in this twilight rain

Words have no meaning

Feeling useless

When the time has come

The leaves turn yellow

the branches were tired of holding him

Cambodia fell in love with the motherland

Return to the Creator

There is no mortal within you

Only the fragrance still spreads now


1 komentar:

LINGSIRE YUSWA (Geguritan_Puisi Jawa)

                                                             Ilustrasi Google Dening Niken Haidar Wektune wis lingsir wengi, Ning nyatane ...