Senin, 08 April 2024


By Niken Haidar

                                           Ilustrasi by Aliy Haidar

The rain came again tonight

Push aside the loneliness that hangs in your heart

A news that I couldn't wait for

In the silence of the night I can only dream

I enjoy it in the rain

The descending strings are like a melody in the twilight

Softly seductive

Giving hope to a frozen soul

Rain tonight accompany me alone

Arranging shadows saves heartstrings

Closing tightly, unmoved by the breeze

Even though the breath of time hits

Stay in your heart

That's all I ask

In the rain tonight

Ask for pure grains of love


1 komentar:

LINGSIRE YUSWA (Geguritan_Puisi Jawa)

                                                             Ilustrasi Google Dening Niken Haidar Wektune wis lingsir wengi, Ning nyatane ...