Senin, 15 April 2024

CAMBODIA (poetry)

Niken Haidar's work

                                                            Ilustrasi by Aliy Haidar

Dimly exploring the motherland

The wind went somewhere

Rembulan didn't smile again

Face down in this twilight rain

Words have no meaning

Feeling useless

When the time has come

The leaves turn yellow

the branches were tired of holding him

Cambodia fell in love with the motherland

Return to the Creator

There is no mortal within you

Only the fragrance still spreads now


Senin, 08 April 2024


By Niken Haidar

                                           Ilustrasi by Aliy Haidar

The rain came again tonight

Push aside the loneliness that hangs in your heart

A news that I couldn't wait for

In the silence of the night I can only dream

I enjoy it in the rain

The descending strings are like a melody in the twilight

Softly seductive

Giving hope to a frozen soul

Rain tonight accompany me alone

Arranging shadows saves heartstrings

Closing tightly, unmoved by the breeze

Even though the breath of time hits

Stay in your heart

That's all I ask

In the rain tonight

Ask for pure grains of love


Rabu, 03 April 2024

Don't Say Love

 By Niken Haidar

                                        Ilustrasi by Aliy Haidar

There are still many traces of you left here

Missing limit


Life limit

Between the lines

There is a word that is not expressed

There is a hidden feeling

Between the shadows of the blue moon

Has this question been answered?

I do not know

Let the flow of time pass

I will definitely find your answer


Senin, 01 April 2024


 Karya Niken Haidar

                                                                  Ilustrasi by Aliy Haidar

Hidup terus berlalu

Meniiti detik lewati waktu

Bak air mengalir ke muara

baerakhir di samudra yang tak bertepian

Hari ini, hari esok tiada yang tahu


Namun kata entah haruslah kita raba

Intropeksi diri

Siapa tahu takdir kita mendekati

Hanya bersiap diri

Luruhkan tinta hitam diri

Berserah diri

Pada Kekasih Abadi

Meski abu-abu yang akan kita dapati



Sabtu, 30 Maret 2024


 Karya Niken Haidar

                                             Ilustrasi By Aliy Haidar

Entah apa yang dipikirkannya, sendiri menantap senja yang hanya sebentar singgah. Wajah ayunya telah lenyap ditelan gurat waktu. Kejayaan telah lenyap ditelan masa.

Ah, kini hanya desah napas yang tersenggal di antara detak jantung yang berpacu melambat. Album biru di tangan telah kucel terlalu sering dijamah lembar demi lembar. Berjuta cerita hanya bisa dibolak balikkan dalam album kenangan.

Mengapa senja kini terasa lama desihnya. Tatap mata yang makin nanar, pada jalanan tanah depan rumah. Menanti dan menanti yang hanya bisa dilakukan. tak kunjung sedikitpun kabar burung datang. Membawa cerita indah masa lalu, hanya desahan lembut angin yang makin merayunya. Terdiam, melenakan membuatnya tertidur dalam sepi. Entah hingga kapan dia terbangun sendiri. (JogloMoker3032024)

LINGSIRE YUSWA (Geguritan_Puisi Jawa)

                                                             Ilustrasi Google Dening Niken Haidar Wektune wis lingsir wengi, Ning nyatane ...